Crazy Horse Craft: Our Podcast Sponsor


As things ramp on here on the site, and preparations for the podcast come to a head in the next few weeks, I thought I’d go ahead and reveal our podcast sponsor. A PODCAST SPONSOR!? But how, with no episodes and a barren website? Begging Flattery goes a long way, my friends.

You’ll hear much more about our sponsor on our podcasts, but for now a little introduction:


Something I love and am always enamoured by is handmade craft – I’m lucky enough to have a pair of desert boots, handmade in Portugal, and I’ll be forever fascinated at the craftsmanship that goes into my timepieces. To be able to own an item that has been conceived, designed, and made with skill, time, and love is something truly special. It’s always a joy to stumble on a small business or creator showcasing their talent in whatever it is they do.

On rare occasions I fall instantly in love with a product. This was one of those occasions. The Minimalist Wallet in Wood Brown from Crazy Horse Craft is something to behold. A single piece of genuine full-grain Scandinavian leather, perfected in Italian tanneries fold into an unspeakably beautiful wallet. No stitching, no excess material – just a soft, wonderful smelling, masterfully designed accessory.

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Editor In Chief at The Idle Critic. Cinematographer. Human beings are noodle beings. 風林火山 -